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Superintendent's Newsletter 11.15.2024

Posted Date: 11/15/24 (2:37 PM)


Family Newsletter   |  November 15, 2024
Dr. Jennifer O'Neill

Superintendent’s Message
Since last spring, Norton Public Schools in partnership with families, staff and the community have been looking at potential changes to the start times and configurations of our schools. The committee was tasked with the following:
Tasks of the Committee:

  • Research best practices around school start times for students in PK- Grade 12

  • Analyze local procedures such as grade level configuration, transportation, and districting to ensure the most effective combination to support our students and families 

  • Analyze current and projected enrollment trends to support decision making for our current and future Norton students

  • Analyze the potential impact of special education service delivery and programming needs

  • Engage our students, families and the Norton community

  • Present the Norton School Committee with a recommendation for our schools

In our final stages, we want to hear one last time from you regarding potential start time changes. This survey will be open until Friday, November 22nd. Please take a few minutes to review some of the options that have been discussed and share your feedback with us. The survey results will help narrow the recommendations of the group to the School Committee

Question 2
Recently, Massachusetts voters approved Question 2, which would eliminate the state graduation requirements around the MCAS exam. This means that students would no longer need to achieve a passing score on the high school MCAS exams in English Language Arts, Math, and Science in order to graduate. 

What will not change is the need for all students to show “competency” around Massachusetts state education standards in order to receive a high school diploma. This determination is defined by Massachusetts General Law (MGL. c. 69, s. 1D (i). The ''competency determination'' shall be based on the academic standards and curriculum frameworks for tenth graders in the areas of mathematics, science and technology, history and social science, foreign languages, and English, and shall represent a determination that a particular student has demonstrated mastery of a common core of skills, competencies and knowledge in these areas.

Instead of determining a students understanding of these core standards through MCAS testing, school districts instead will be required to certify a student's mastery of the skills, competencies, and knowledge contained in the state academic standards and curriculum frameworks through their satisfactorily completing coursework. 

Districts are waiting on guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on what will be required of us to “certify” student coursework in the days ahead. Students that have already completed their MCAS requirements are eligible to earn a high school diploma provided they meet their local graduation requirements. As we learn more about how this will impact our students, we will share this information with families.


Holiday Toy Drive

The C2 Foundation, a Norton non-profit official 501(c)(3) organization, in conjunction with the Norton Police & Fire, and the NHS Math Honor Society is seeking donations of new, unwrapped toys and gift cards to solely benefit kids and teens in our community. There is also an Amazon Wish List where you can purchase items directly. 

Gifts can be dropped off on Saturday, November 23rd at the Yelle School main entrance from 9:30am-12:30pm and Bog Iron Brewing from 2:30pm-9:00pm. There will also be donation boxes all around town at various businesses, the Police and Fire Departments and all 5 schools.  Everything received is donated directly to a Norton resident in need. This is truly Norton helping Norton. Last year alone they brought Holiday cheer to over 60 families and 150+ kids in the town of Norton which is remarkable!

Honoring Veterans
On Friday, November 8th, JCS students and staff gathered outdoors for a special ceremony to honor and thank veterans. The event included the Pledge of Allegiance, a moment of silence, and a performance of “Taps” by two trumpet students from Norton High School. We are grateful to all the veterans from the Norton VFW and JCS families who joined the JCS community to observe this meaningful Veterans Day tribute.

Lancer Pride!

Mrs. Kerri Murphy, NHS Computer Science Teacher, recently attended the CSTA New England conference at Boston University where she participated in a panel discussion about the transition from high school to college in the computer science related majors. Joining her on the panel were two Norton graduates, Sarah Joyce ‘22 and Dan Clapp ‘20. Key takeaways from the discussion included: 

  • deepening basic skills with a focus on the three types of algorithms

  • sparking excitement by creating engaging experiences to inspire more students to explore computer science

  • supporting students in pursuing opportunities like competitions and independent projects

  • building essential portfolios, organizing student work and creating a strong digital presence

  • empowering self-sufficiency by teaching effective strategies for seeking help

We are incredibly proud of the accomplishments of these panelists!


Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth

Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is continuing to sponsor a free Parenting Solutions Library. MPY is offering this valuable resource in partnership with Peace At Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit organization located in Mansfield, Connecticut. Through this partnership, MPY is providing proven resources to help students’ families thrive. 

Peace At Home Parenting Solutions specializes in empowering parents with evidence-based strategies to foster nurturing connections that safeguard their children's mental well-being. The Parenting Solutions Library is easily accessed using the link on MPY’s home page. No log in or passcode is needed. Please see their handout for additional information.

Lancers Sideline Store 
The holidays are approaching- what better gift than some Lancer swag? Score popular styles from top brands and start customizing today. 

Limited Time! Save 20% on $100+ | Code JOY20 
Shop your Lancers Sideline Store



November 20th

School Committee Meeting - Norton Middle School Library

November 27th

Districtwide Early Release

November 28th and 29th

Thanksgiving Break - Schools Closed

December 5th

Norton High School Conferences

December 9th

Elementary and Middle School Term I Report Cards

December 11th

School Committee Meeting - Norton Town Hall, Crane Meeting Room

December 13th

Norton High School Term II Warning Notices

December 23rd - January 1st

Winter Break - Schools Closed

Virtual Backpack
NHS Girls Volleyball Holiday Craft Fair - November 16th
2024 Trinitarian Church Holiday Fair - November 15th and 16th
Norton Holiday Toy Drive
Norton Parks & Rec Letters to Santa
Festival of Lights - December 8th
Grand Parents Raising Grandchildren Support Group
Poetry Workshop (Grades 6-12) - Tuesdays in October and November
YMCA Fall and Winter Youth Sports and Basketball Clinic
To submit a flyer to the Virtual Backpack, please contact Pam Anderson at